
First Blog….now what?

The intent of this blog is to hopefully amuse you with my perspective on life.   I have to warn you that I occasionally misspell words, screw up on my punctuation, and leave empty bowls that contained ice cream around the house, which upsets my wife for some strange reason.  The bowls eventually make it to the sink for cleaning about the same time we need clean bowls, and this is just not in the time frame my wife desires.  I digress, which is another thing I will do a lot of in these blogs.

Which brings me to the point of this blog, digression.  Everyone digresses eventually in conversation.  One moment you’re talking to your boss about the next step in the pending issue at work, and the next thing you know you find yourself intensely talking about how awful the officiating is in little league baseball, or how they never seem to fix that road we drive to work on, or how annoying other employees can be who just don’t understand what its like to work in our department.  WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME A BEER!

This kind of talk goes on in our daily lives everyday and no one seems to care or notice unless they have a point to make and I am not sticking to their topic at hand.  Then things can get heated, and it’s usually not about the topic at hand, but more about how I never listen, and I keep interrupting them with my nonsense about stuff I want to talk about and eventually I just get up, walk out and tell the nurse to tell the doctor to email me the results because all he ever does is manipulate the conversation.  Geez, some people!

ANYWAY, where was I?  Oh yes digression.  I think we all digress simply because of all the distractions we have in life.  With smart phones that constantly update us every time someone snaps a picture of their half eaten steak and throws it up on Facebook or Twitter, or the constant barrage of advertising on every web page you visit we are constantly drawn in 50 different directions with a bit of knowledge that we all feel we must consume.  Therefore I think this is why our conversations are so fragmented.  Few of us have the ability to focus on one topic for more than 30 seconds anymore.  It’s almost as if we are saying “alright I’ve had enough of your topic, have digested your point, and need to move on to another topic or I’ll move on to another face to converse with”.

So, as I digress to the close of this first blog I hope you’ve had just enough silliness to cause a smile or two and you quickly move on to another blog, post, or tweet so your brain doesn’t starve from having to focus too long on this arrangement of words.


Thank you, and stay on the right side of the dirt!